Can you watch VR porn videos even though you don’t have a VR headset yet?

vr app no headset

Can you watch VR porn videos even though you don’t have a VR headset yet?

The answer is YES you can and it’s easy. That said, the experience is significantly better when using a decent VR headset. Check TOP 5 VR HEADSETS FOR VR PORN for info on some good devices to get.

How it’s done

The basic idea is you need a player that knows how to display side by side 180 degree videos. For example I use Whirligig as my VR player & it’s capable of displaying videos both to a VR device and to a monitor. Some VR porn websites even put out their own players that do this too such as VRBanger’s PLAY’A app.

The easiest way

The easiest way I know of is on Windows. If you have Windows 10 the built in “Movies & TV” app can be used. Simply click the 360 button at the bottom and use your mouse to rotate your view. If you have an older version of Windows or would like more options I suggest downloading PotPlayer.


It too has a 360 icon. Click it and select “Always play 360 video”.

That’s really all there is to it.

SOURCEBy Jade on Reddit
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