The Quest 2 is hands down the best headset for VR porn, combining all the best technical qualities to match the current generation of VR videos. It’s a significant improvement over the previous winner, the Valve Index, and even the yet-to-be-released HP Reverb G2 which is regarded as the Index revamp.

For the first time, an all-in-one headset has the ability to playback up to 8K videos, while being totally wireless by default and offers the full freedom of 6DOF. Its near-4K single panel 90Hz screen will perfectly fit the current generation of VR videos. Facebook, the company producing the Oculus Quest, has set a high threshold with the Quest2, and no other similar headset is expected on the market any time soon.
It doesn’t require advanced setup procedures or numerous accessories like the base stations used with Windows headsets and the PSVR.
There are hopes of upgraded specs for the upcoming PS5 and the second generation PSVR headset, following from the kit released in October 2016 which attracted a lot of users and became the most sold dedicated VR headset. Even if it is technically advanced, it’s still going to be a struggle when watching porn as there is no VR porn app supporting it and the video playback options offered by the platform are very poor.
We can expect the Quest 2 to become the headset of choice for VR porn users as it provides a similar experience to high-end gaming setups while coming in a small box and costing just $299. The 64GB version should be enough given that most of the videos streamed in VR porn app on Quest. It will also work with the numerous sex toys that are perfectly synchronized to match the movements in the videos, making for an incredibly immersive experience. It’s a no brainer for Quest 1 and Oculus Go users upgrade to these much better specs at an affordable price tag.
The first generation of Oculus Quest became the most popular headset on SexLikeReal, accounting for 36% of active users. The second generation, offering 8K video decoding for the first time, is undoubtedly going to become the headset of choice for watching VR porn. Quest users can enjoy it even more thanks to our “QUEST2” promo code which unlocks access to some of the best deals we have ever offered.
It seems too good to be true but there are some factors that might concern some users. The Quest comes from Facebook and they want all new Oculus users to use their Facebook account, giving no option to simply register an account with an email, unlike before. As one Reddit user states: “Sure [Quest is the best headset for VR porn], if you’re comfortable with Facebook knowing all your kinks 😉”. Considering Facebook has been accused of data violations in the past, it is understandable that users would prefer to use anonymized accounts, with no risk of exposing their identity.
For the next article, check out the Best VR Porn Sites 2020